Siegfried: How do I know you're not from CONTROL?
Maxwell Smart: If I were from CONTROL, you'd already be dead.
Siegfried: If you were from CONTROL, YOU'D already be dead.
Maxwell Smart: Neither of us is dead, so I'm obviously not from CONTROL.
Shtarker: That actually makes sense.
Get Smart is not a spoof on the spy genre, but it is serious spy movie about a buffoon. While it lacks the hokey charm of the original, it stays true to the spirit of the old show. This is what should happen you rethink an old series, you cannot just recycle what has already been done you have to retain the spirit and concept, and then make it something new.

You cannot go into the movie expecting the old series. They have really toned down the Maxwell Smart’s idiotic qualities and toned up the action. Yet that old charm is there, you see Max struggle with his own lacking but managing to get the job down despite of them. You see Agent 99 being beautiful and awesome, just like you would expect.
The movie is quite funny. The dialogue is sharp and clever. It is just too bad that Steve Carell plays the same character is every movie, we know he has the talent; he just needs to branch out. Anne Hathaway does her very best job and looking beautiful and to set up Carell. It is integral in this type of movie to have the straight man and Hathaway plays it beautifully.

Get Smart moves seamlessly between action, comedy, and drama. While it can get a little heavy on the slapstick and crude humor, it works. I couldn’t help but enjoy the movie, it was a lot of fun.