Rail Crossing Crowd #2: Your breath smells like alcohol!
Hancock: That's cause I've been drinking bitch!
Hancock is a brilliant concept and while it doesn’t quite live up to its full potential, it is still an interesting and fun movie.
Hancock is the story of a superhero that is more hated than loved. He tries to save the day but along the way leaves a trail of destruction and mayhem. He is an alcoholic and an asshole. Yet, there is more to him. It just takes someone to care about him to bring out the human side.
Will Smith plays the role beautifully. You can really see the pain and hurt in his eyes as he gets jeered and laughed at. The role of Hancock is quite a change from the charmers that Smith usually plays and he shows us again that is a criminally underrated actor.
Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron, do and excellent job as the PR man who reinvents Hancock and his wife. Theron has a secret and her looks just seethe with back story, but I’m not going to give it away.
The movie is full and exciting in the beginning and with the arrival of Bateman’s character has some heart. It manages to run a fine line, a lesser movie may have fallen into farce or just an action movie, but Hancock manages to toe the line.
Admittedly the twist did not work for me, this is where the movie loses it way. It loses all its flow, but luckily, it finds itself near the end.
A lot of the credit must go to the writers for the excellent concept and to the director (Jason Berg) for holding the movie together when the story gets all jumbled up.
It is interesting to note that Hancock, the character, fits perfectly with Hancock, the movie, it starts off great, loses its way in the middle, but finally redeems itself in the end.